ARGO Floats : example of DOI attribution policy
Argo data are collected and disseminated by Argo GDACs (Global Data Assembly Centers) through their FTP sites. The available data from these FTP sites are continuously changing: data is added and updated every day.
To allow reproducibility of studies with Argo data, a snapshot of the entire data set is preserved every month. The snapshot contains all the Argo data available at the time of the snapshot creation. The one-month period between two snapshots was decided by the Scientific Committee of Argo; within a given month, changes to the whole dataset are not significant.
Initially, according to the suggestion of DataCite to include dynamic data, a DOI was set to describe the overall data set: he proposed access via FTP sites GDAC.
Argo (2000). Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC). Ifremer.
In addition, specific DOIs were assigned to each monthly snapshot:
Argo (2016). Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC) - Snapshot of Argo GDAC as of February, 8th 2016. Ifremer.
Argo (2016). Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC) - Snapshot of Argo GDAC as of January, 8th 2016. Ifremer.
In March 2016, to satisfy the Argo group that did not want to inflate the number of DOIs and to follow the new recommendations of the Research Data Alliance (RDA), a new single Argo DOI was published using SEANOE. This unique DOI quotes either the global data set or a specific snapshot. Each monthly snapshot is uploaded in SEANOE that assigns a URL and a key. The key 42350 for example, was assigned to the snapshot 2016-02-08.
The citation of the whole data set is performed by citing the new DOI without parameters:
Argo (2000). Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC). SEANOE.
The DOI LandingPage then presents general information detailed bellow.
The citation of a specific snapshot is done by adding the key preceded by the # character to the DOI:
Argo (2016). Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC) - Snapshot of Argo GDAC of February, 8th 2016. SEANOE.
This DOI Landing Page then provides information about the specific snapshot (Figure 2).
This new single Argo DOI offers an easier identification of publications as they simply cite the unique DOI. The snapshots are archived in SEANOE; this is a guarantee for long term.
The homogenization of URL data access allows the calculation of downloads statistics that are automatically provided to the authors once a year. This service to data providers is available on Seanoe.
The solution developed for publishing the Argo data in SEANOE can be implemented without additional development for any type of marine data.
Content of the global Argo DOI LandingPage ("without key/fragment")
General data (Figure 1-1) In the main part of the page, the dataset is presented with a series of general metadata (title, author, publication date, description, Creative Commons license, ...).
Link User's manual (Figure 1-2) The link to Argo User's manual with the DOI assigned to that document.List of snapshots (Figure 1-3) By default, the last three snapshots are listed. A link (Figure 1-4) displays all available snapshots. A link to download each snapshot (Figure 1-13).
Link to FTP sites GDAC (Figure 1-5) The link to the ftp servers of the Argo GDAC (Argo global data assemble center).
Suggested citation (Figure 1-6) The citation proposal is built according to a format suggested by DataCite: "Creator (PublicationYear): Title. Publisher. Identifier"
Geographical area (Figure 1-7) The geographic coverage of the dataset.
Export metadata (Figure 1-8) The link to download metadata of the DOI in the RIS format. This format allows automatic import in bibliographic management tools (e.g. Endnote).
List of citing publications (Figure 1-9) The list of publications documents that cite the data DOI. The documents may also have their individual DOI. A regular monitoring is performed by Sismer on publications which cite datasets deposited in SEANOE DOI. For Argo, this monitoring is made by Megan Scanderbeg of the University of California San Diego. SEANOE queries the list of DOI and identified publications every night to build and update the list of publications.
List of associated data sets (Figure 1-10) The list of related datasets that may also have their own DOI.
Link to social networks (Figure 1-11) This link provides an automatic reporting of the dataset to social networks, through its DOI.
Image 1 : Landing Page of the global Argo DOI

Content of a specific snapshot of Argo DOI LandingPage ("with key/fragment")
When the DOI Argo is called with the additional snapshot tag, the following items are specifically updated on the LandingPage:- The title (Figure 2-1 )
- Date of publication (Figure 2-2)
- The requested snapshot is shown by default (Figure 2-3)
- The quote proposal (Figure 2-4)