CTD and ADCP data collected during the cruise FARDWO CC1

CTD and ADCP obtained during the FARDWO-CCC1 Cruise, onboard the R/V Garcia del Cid. The aim of the cruise was to characterise the physical and biogeochemical characteristics of the dense water overflow in the Cap de Creus canyon as a part of the FARDWO project (Far-reaching impacts of dense water overflows in the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, PID2020-114322RB-I00, funded by MICIU/AEI /10.13039/501100011033). 

Data includes two hydrographic transects conducted on March 5-6, 2022, across the Cap de Creus Canyon, with stations spaced every 1.5 km. The hydrographic data were collected using a SeaBird 9 CTD probe coupled with a SeaPoint Fluorometer and Turbidity Sensor (700 nm), an SBE43 dissolved oxygen sensor, and a WetLabs C-Star Transmissometer (650 nm). 

Velocity profiles were simultaneously measured using two Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCPs) Teledyne 300 kHz narrowband units mounted on the CTD frame. One unit faced upwards and the other downwards to maximize the total range of velocity observations. In addition, the vessel was equipped with a vessel-mounted 75 kHz ADCP (Ocean Surveyor, RD Instruments) that recorded current velocities along the hydrographic sections. The VM-ADCP was configured to record current velocities at 2-min averages, while sampling depths were set to 8-m vertical bins. The VM-ADCP data were processed using the CASCADE  V7.2 software.

More details are provided in:

Egusphere-2025-1310. Title: Dense shelf-water cascading dynamics in the Cap de Creus Canyon and adjacent shelf under mild winter regimes: insights from the 2021-2022 winter. Author(s): Marta Arjona-Camas, Xavier Durrieu de Madron, François Bourrin, Helena Fos, Anna Sanchez-Vidal, and David Amblas.



Physical oceanography, Marine geology



Cap de Creus canyon, CTD, Hydrographic sections, Dense Shelf water Cascadin, ADCP, Mediterranean Sea


42.71N, 42.2S, 3.66E, 3.06W


7 MoCSVProcessed data
1 MoCSVProcessed data
How to cite
Sanchez-Vidal Anna, Amblàs David, Arjona-Camas Marta, Durrieu de Madron Xavier, Calafat Antoni, Cerdà-Domènech Marc, Pena Leopoldo, Espinosa Sara (2025). CTD and ADCP data collected during the cruise FARDWO CC1. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/105499

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