Phytoplankton incubations under Patagonian dust input and environmental changes in the Southern Ocean

This repository contains raw data from flow cytometry, diagnostic pigments, and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen analyses, collected during phytoplankton incubation experiments in the Southern Ocean in February 2022 (Indian section). One incubation was conducted in the Polar Frontal Zone and the other in a High-Nutrient, Low-Chlorophyll (HNLC) region. These experiments were carried out under various treatments, including the addition of Patagonian dust, warming, and acidification.


Chemical oceanography, Biological oceanography


Patagonian dust, Metals, Warming and acidification, Phytoplankton, Primary production, Southern Ocean


-34.307144N, -60.844911S, 95.625E, 46.054688W


Cytometry: CytoSense flow cytometer (CytoBuoy®) 

Pigments: High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) Agilent Technologies 1200

Particulate carbon and nitrogen: Mass spectrometer (delta plus, Thermofisher, Bremen, Germany) which is coupled with a C and N analyzer (Flash EA, Thermofisher Scientific) via a type III interface




FileSizeFormatProcessingAccessend of embargo
23 KoXLS, XLSXRaw data 2026-12-31
29 KoXLS, XLSXRaw data 2026-12-31
18 KoXLS, XLSXRaw data 2026-12-31
How to cite
Demasy Clément, Boye Marie, Delisée Ambroise, Maguer Jean-François, Thyssen Melilotus, Gest Léa (2025). Phytoplankton incubations under Patagonian dust input and environmental changes in the Southern Ocean. SEANOE.

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