Momentum balance over the Socoa rocky platform, France

The database displays the field measurements recover during a one-week experiment in October 2021 on the Socoa's rocky platform, France. The general objective of the study was to evaluate the momentum balance over the rocky platform, in particular to quantifiy the combined effect of high seabed roughness and waves on the coupling between circulation, wave force and mean water level. The analysis is performed along a single cross-shore transect. 

The data include:

  • the cross-shore bathymetric profile
  • the time-series of integrated wave parameters, local mean water depth and wave-averaged currents over successive 30-min bursts
  • the depth- and wave-averaged momentum fluxes following the formulation proposed by Smith 2006 and Bruneau et al. 2011. The fluxes are median values obtained over significant wave height to depth ratio bins


Physical oceanography


rocky platform, waves, bottom friction, momentum balance, setup


43.415024N, 43.381098S, -1.680908E, -1.71936W


4 bottom-moored pressures sensors (RBR Virtuoso)

2 point currentmeters (ADV Nortek)


Cross-shore bathymetric profile
126 KoTEXTProcessed data
Sensors Position
147 octetsTEXTQuality controlled data
Time Series of 30-min averaged parameters
82 KoTEXTProcessed data
Momentum Terms
542 octetsTEXTProcessed data
How to cite
Damien sous (2025). Momentum balance over the Socoa rocky platform, France. SEANOE.

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