ClimEx high frequency sea level observations from low-cost pressure sensors at Blancs Sablons (Le Conquet, France)

The dataset consists of raw pressure data and sea level data from 27 low-cost bottom pressure sensors (Mastodon probes) sampling at 2 Hz. The low-cost sensors were deployed at Blancs Sablons (Le Conquet, France) during more than 4 months, from 14 December 2023 to 25 April 2024.

The coordinate files (coord_sensors.txt) contains the longitude and latitude of the 27 sensors.

The RAW_PRESSURE_DATA directory contains 27 files in text format (csv). The pressure files (climex_blancs_sablons_M*_P.csv) contain a header (10 lines), and then one line per time record (every 0.5 s), with the date, the temperature (°C), and the pressure (bar).

The SEA_LEVEL_DATA directory contains 27 files in NetCdf format (climex_blancs_sablons_M* The ’sea_level’ variable is expressed in meters and related to Chart Datum. The ’time’ variable is expressed in seconds and represents the number of elapsed days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.


Physical oceanography


Sea Level, Waves, Low-cost, Pressure sensor


48.387258N, 48.358099S, -4.757305E, -4.798775W


Geographic coordinates of the sensors
678 octetsTEXT
Raw pressure data
3 GoCSVRaw data
Sea level data
1 GoNetCDFQuality controlled data
How to cite
Lazure Pascal, Pineau-Guillou Lucia, Leizour Stephane (2025). ClimEx high frequency sea level observations from low-cost pressure sensors at Blancs Sablons (Le Conquet, France). SEANOE.

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