A database of "very high" and "phenomenal" sea states from the ESA Seastate CCI V4 database, with complements from CNES CFOSAT and SWOT nadir altimeters. Version 1 (not inter-calibrated)

This dataset contains all satellite altimeter wave heights above 9 m, from the following satellite missions: ERS-1, ERS-2, Topex-Poseidon (Topex only), Envisat, SARAL, Jason-1, Jason-2, Jason-3, Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-3B, Sentinel-6A, Cryosat-2, CFOSAT, SWOT. Storm event identification used the DetectHsStorm package developed by M. De Carlo and F. Ardhuin (  https://github.com/ardhuin/) . This data can be combined with modeled storm tracks (see F. Ardhuin, M. De Carlo, Storm tracks based on wave heights from LOPS WAVEWATCH III hindcast and ERA5 reanalysis, years 1991-2024, SEANOE (2025). doi: 10.17882/105148 )


Physical oceanography


storms, altimetry, wave heights


88N, -78S, -180E, 180W


These data are from NASA, CNES, Eumetsat and ESA. See https://climate.esa.int/media/documents/Sea_State_cci_PUG_v3.1-signed.pdf for details, except for CFOSAT and SWOT (these are GDR data from CNES):


and Tourain et al.  (2021) https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2021.3064236.


This archive contains data from CCI Seastate L2P product (version 4) and the Geophysical Data Records (GDR) for CFOSAT and SWOT.
162 Motar.gz archiveProcessed data
Maximum wave heights for storms detected by satellite altimeters
4 Motar.gz archiveProcessed data
summary table of the the largest modeled wave heights and associated satellite alt. measurements
215 KoCSVProcessed data
How to cite
Ardhuin Fabrice (2025). A database of "very high" and "phenomenal" sea states from the ESA Seastate CCI V4 database, with complements from CNES CFOSAT and SWOT nadir altimeters. Version 1 (not inter-calibrated). SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/105378

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