Mesozooplankton in S.Aegean and NW Levantine (E.MEditerranean Sea) during spring 1992

Mesozooplankton samples were collected within the project Physical Oceanography of Easten Mediterranean-Biology-Chemistry (POEM-BC). Samples were collected on board of R/V AEGAIO from 92/3/20 till 92/4/15 in the NW Levantine Sea (34.5 N   23 till 36.5N  28.5E) and in the  S.Aegean Sea (36N 24E till 36N 27E). Samples were collected at discrete layers (from the surface till 300m) by vertical tows of a WP-2 net (200 μm) and their taxonomic analysis was performed by Binocular microscope in the laboratory of zooplankton-Institute of Oceanography-Hellenic Centre for Marine research. The data set concerns Taxon-specific mesozooplankton abundance and total mesozooplankton abundance. The dataset includes 55 samples with data of mesozooplankton species composition and abundance. These data are partially published.


Biological oceanography


Taxon-specific mesozooplankton abundance, Total mesozooplankton abundance


36.5N, 34.5S, 28.5E, 23W


Sampling method: vertical tows of a WP-2 net (200 μm).

Samples taxonomic analysis : Binocular microscope-laboratory of zooplankton-Institute of Oceanography-Hellenic Centre for Marine Research.  


A92-Mesozooplankton dataset
244 KoXLS, XLSXQuality controlled data
How to cite
Siokou-Frangou Ioanna, Christou Epaminondas (2025). Mesozooplankton in S.Aegean and NW Levantine (E.MEditerranean Sea) during spring 1992. SEANOE.

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