The ISIS-Fish datase of Bay of Biscay mixed demersal fisheries (ISIS-GdG-demersal) : Deliverable R2.3 MACCO project

As part of the MACCO research project (, we developped an ISIS-Fish database (Mahevas et al 2004, Pelletier et al 2009, describing the mixed demersal fishery in the Bay of Biscay. For this application, the spatial extent of the fishery is the Bay of Biscay, defined here by ICES divisions 8a, 8b and 8d and the resolution chosen is 1/16 ICES statistical rectangle. The period modeled is 2015-2022, with a monthly time step. In the biological module from (SEANOE. includes 7 species of economic interest in the mixed demersal fishery and presenting management issues addressed in the MACCO project (fishing target species or bycatch : European hake (Merluccius merluccius), common sole (Solea solea), langoustine (Nephrops norvegicus), megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis), anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) and two ray species (Raja clavata, Leucoraja naevus).  The fishing activities is made up of  41 demersal fleets (including all French vessels <12 meters  and > 12meters fishing in this area, Spanish, UK and Belgium fleets) and 431 métiers (combination of a gear, location and mix of target species) catching these 7 species, as target or bycatch. Monthly effort of a fleet distributes among the possible métiers (those historically practiced). The model used in this application has been calibrated on historical catch data 2015-2018 by tunning accessibility and catchability parameters.

The data project includes 1) the isis-fish database including the biological module and fishing activity module , 2) the description of the fishing activity of the fisheries including a word file and 2 html files outputs of the analyses performed with R, 3) the R script files to set the fishing activity module of ISIS-Fish 4) isis-fish files to run fisheries dynamics over the period 2015-2022 ( csv files with initial abundances, fishing effort forcing data, and the java scripts to force fishing effort and export simulated variables). All the data are reproductible using isis-fish- ( and R 4.4.1.


Fisheries and aquaculture


mixed fisheries, fishing activities, fleet dynamics, spatial, seasonnal, demersal, bay of Biscay, ISIS-Fish, simulation, 2015-2022


48.647547N, 42.795533S, -0.219727E, -9.536133W


Description of fishing activity parameters of the ISIS-Fish Database
648 KoPDFQuality controlled data
Details of fleets characteristics vessel <12meters
7 MohtmlQuality controlled data
Details of fleets characteristics vessel >12meters
6 MohtmlQuality controlled data
R code for fishing activity setting
48 MozipQuality controlled data
ISIS-Fish database
1 MozipQuality controlled data
How to cite
Mahevas Stephanie, Ricouard Antoine, Serval Auriane, Vajas Pablo, Lecomte Jean Baptiste, IFREMER, Memorial University, Aix Marseille Universités (2024). The ISIS-Fish datase of Bay of Biscay mixed demersal fisheries (ISIS-GdG-demersal) : Deliverable R2.3 MACCO project. SEANOE.

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