IGA-HP Gravelines dataset – Hydrology and Plankton monitoring programme at the Gravelines coastal station, France (southern bight of the North Sea)

This IGA-HP Gravelines dataset includes long-term time series on marine phytoplankton, zooplankton, and hydrological data from 1978 onward at the coastal station named “canal d’Amenée” (in French) near the Gravelines Nuclear Power Plant located in the southern bight of the North Sea, near the Dover Strait (eastern English Channel). Phytoplankton data essentially cover microscopic taxonomic identifications and counts (cells.l-1), and pigment concentrations (Chlorophyll-a and pheopigment) (µg.l-1). Zooplankton data cover binocular microscope taxonomic identifications and counts (nb.m-3). Hydrological data include temperature (°C), salinity (PSU), turbidity (NTU), dissolved oxygen concentration (mg.l-1), and dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations (ammonium, nitrite + nitrate, phosphate, silicate) (µmol.l-1).


Physical oceanography, Chemical oceanography, Environment


51.074127N, 51.008923S, 2.221642E, 2.085276W


hydrological and plankton (phyto, zoo) raw data data from the Quadrige2 database
174 MoCSVQuality controlled data
Validated and pre-processed data for the Hydrological variables (ready to use data for statistics)
3 MoCSVQuality controlled data
Validated and pre-processed data for the Phytoplankton variables (ready to use data for statistics)
16 MoCSVQuality controlled data
Validated and pre-processed data for the Zooplankton variables (ready to use data for statistics)
5 MoCSVQuality controlled data
Table of correspondence between the French names of the columns (Quadrige2 database format) and their equivalence in English
5 KoCSVQuality controlled data
How to cite
Lefebvre Alain, Devreker David, Antajan Elvire, Le Fèvre-Lehoërff Geneviève, Thillaye du Boullay Hervé, Drévès Luc, Ropert Michel, Wacquet Guillaume (2024). IGA-HP Gravelines dataset – Hydrology and Plankton monitoring programme at the Gravelines coastal station, France (southern bight of the North Sea). SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/102656

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