In-Situ Visualization of Bedload in the English Channel

The objective of the TRAMAT campaign was to better understand the fate of fine particles in a predominantly coarse heterometric sediment. Sediment transport mechanisms were highlighted by in situ monitoring of hydraulic and particulate characteristics at and near the water-sediment interface using DYSPI ( This monitoring was carried out during 3 periods of several hours on 2 different study sites: Vauville (-1.8788, 49.62762) on April 3-4 and April 8-9, and Saint-Brieux Bay (-2.5535, 48.74785) on April 5. ADCP current profiles were acquired simultaneously at the same sites.


Marine geology, Physical oceanography


Heterometric sediment, Sediment transport, In situ observation, Current profiles, Seabed, Bedload, English Channel, Threshold transport


49.7N, 48.7S, -1.8E, -2.6W


The videos on sediment transport were acquired using the DYSPI ( The time recorded in the files is UTC + 2 hours.

The current profiles were acquired using an RDI Sentinel V50 ADCP. The time recorded in the files is UTC + 1 hour for the Vauville site on April 3-4, and UTC for the Vauville site on 8-9 April and the Saint-Brieux Bay site on April 5. The ADCP was placed vertically on the DYSPI structure, facing towards the water surface, with the sensors positioned 1.8 meters above the seabed.




DYSPI - Saint Brieuc Bay on April 3-4, 2016. Compressed file containing timestamped .MTS video files. The file's date and time correspond to the t0 of the information contained within the file.
7 GoVIDEORaw data
DYSPI - Vauville on April 5, 2016. Compressed file containing timestamped .MTS video files. The file's date and time correspond to the t0 of the information contained within the file.
588 MoVIDEORaw data
DYSPI - Saint Brieuc Bay on April 8-9, 2016. Compressed file containing timestamped .MTS video files. The file's date and time correspond to the t0 of the information contained within the file.
6 GoVIDEORaw data
ADCP: Configuration File
683 octets.plnRaw data
ADCP: Data Files
459 Mo.pd0Raw data
How to cite
Laguionie Philippe (2024). In-Situ Visualization of Bedload in the English Channel. SEANOE.

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