HYDROMED : Physical & biogeochemical dataset for North-Western Mediterranean Stations

HDROMED is a curated dataset built by aggregating and filtering already publicly available data. For a selection of physico-chemical parameters, the resulting dataset only contains measurements where all parameters meet minimal quality requirements. Moreover, only surface measurements for stations located in the north-western Mediterranean area and collected from january 2000 on are considered.

The Jupyter Notebook used to build the dataset is available at https://gitlab.sb-roscoff.fr/future-obs/wp5/hydrochimie-cotier-med

Parameter list

The following parameters are included in the output dataset.

  • Temperature
  • Salinity
  • Nitrates
  • Nitrites
  • Ammonium
  • Phosphates
  • Silicates
  • Chlorophyll a

Source Datasets

Two datasets have been selected as primary sources for measurement data:

Output Dataset

The output dataset columns are defined as follows:

  • SITE : the name of the sampling location
  • DATE : the sampling date
  • LATITUDE : the latitude of the sampling location
  • LONGITUDE : the longitude of the sampling location

Then, for each parameter, three columns are defined, the first one with the actual parameter value, the second one with the quality flag associated to the value, and the third one with a comment relative to the parameter. For the temperature parameter, the columns will be named as follows : T, T_QUALITY, T_COMMENTS.

Some parameters need special attention :

An additional NO2+NO3 parameter is included, as for some measurements no separate values are provided for NO2 and NO3, only the sum of both.

Due to the variety of methods for measuring Chlorophyll A, columns had to be defined reflecting the measurement method :

  • CHLASPECTRO : Chlorphyll A measured using spectrometry
  • CHLAHPLC : Chlorophyll A measured using liquid chromatography
  • CHLAFLUO : Chlorophyll A measured using fluorimetry
  • DVCHLA : Divynil Chlorophyll A

Finally, to more columns are added to explicit measurement provenance:

  • DOI : The DOI of the landing page where the original dataset was downloaded.


Chemical oceanography, Physical oceanography


Mediterranean sea, Physical and biogeochemical data, Surface, Environmental time series


43.765892N, 41.371403S, 9.558854E, 2.725358W


Physical & biogeochemical measurements on the surface of the North Western Mediterranean sea
628 KoCSVProcessed data
How to cite
Schmitt Aurélien, Hoebeke Mark (2024). HYDROMED : Physical & biogeochemical dataset for North-Western Mediterranean Stations. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/101587

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