SISMOSMOOTH cruise - 3D Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) velocity models at the Southwestern Indian Ridge, 64˚30’E

In October 2014, 30 OBS were deployed on the Southwestern Indian Sea ultra-slow spreading ridge during the SISMO-SMOOTH experiment. We propose here the 3D velocity models that Robinson et al 2024 (JGR) published and the associated figures.


Marine geology


Ultra-slow spreading ridge, Indian Ocean, P-Wave Velocity models


-27.5N, -28.5S, 64E, 65W


Model files from OBS 3D experiment
57 MoFAST models formatProcessed data
Figures of the Models and interpretations
126 MoPDFProcessed data
How to cite
Robinson Adam, Watremez Louise, Leroy Sylvie, Minshull Tim, Cannat Mathilde, Corbalan Ana (2024). SISMOSMOOTH cruise - 3D Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) velocity models at the Southwestern Indian Ridge, 64˚30’E. SEANOE.
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Robinson, Watremez, Leroy, Minshull, Cannat, Corbalan (2024). A 3-D Seismic Tomographic Study of Spreading Structures and Smooth Seafloor Generated by Detachment Faulting – the Ultra-Slow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge at 64˚30’E. Journal of Geophys. Res..

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