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WCGFS Catch Data : Data from the Western English Channel Ground Fish Survey
The CGFS campaign is part of a historical series of fishing surveys that began in 1988 (CGFS Eastern part, conducted on the R/V Gwen Drez) and was extended to cover the entire English Channel regularly from 2018 (on R/V Thalassa). Only data for the Western Channel is presented. For data from the Eastern Channel please see "CGFS here:".
For both surveys, the main objective is to collect basic data to estimate the state of resources through direct assessment of stock abundance and distribution and biological sampling of the catches. Taking place every year between mid-September and end-September, it contributes to the European project for the contractualization of basic fishery data collection (DCF). The campaign also allows for sampling and a better understanding of the entire ecosystem, aligning with implementing an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries at the community level. The CGFS also provides data for numerous national and international research projects. The collected and validated data are transmitted at the end of each campaign to national databases (SIH, Harmonie, Coriolis) and the European database (DATRAS), enabling their use by different working groups and ensuring public access to this data. Finally, the CGFS data contributes to the baseline assessment of the impact of numerous marine aggregates extraction projects (through a multi-year convention signed between the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning, IFREMER, and BRGM) planned or underway in the Eastern English Channel.
Fisheries and aquaculture
CGFS, Fisheries Indipendant Survey, Demersal Fish, Benthic invertebrates, Bottom Trawl
50.649896N, 48.399786S, -1.37589E, -6.407426W
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Données de captures format ELFIC pour la CGFS Manche Ouest (WCGFS) | 733 Ko | CSV | Quality controlled data |