COAST-HF/Arcachon-Ferret time series (French Research Infrastructure ILICO) : long-term high-frequency monitoring of the Arcachon Lagoon hydrology

The COAST-HF/Arcachon-Ferret time series characterizes the hydrology of the interface between the Arcachon lagoon, located in the South-Western France, and the Atlantic Ocean. A buoy belonging to Phares et Balises is instrumented with a multi-parametric probe that records sub-surface temperature, conductivity, depth, turbidity and fluorescence every 10 minutes since February 2018. It is opérated by the OASU and EPOC teams (Univ. Bordeaux/CNRS).

COAST-HF (Coastal OceAn observing SysTem - High Frequency; is a national observation network accredited by the CNRS as a national Earth Science Observatory (Service National d’Observation: SNO). It aims to federate and coordinate a set of 14 fixed platforms instrumented with high-frequency in situ measurements for key parameters of coastal waters. The COAST-HF/Arcachon-Ferret buoy is one of them. COAST-HF is part of the French Research Infrastructure dedicated to coastal ocean observations (RI ILICO,

Data are transmitted to the Coriolis Côtier database (
Data are raw data.


Environment, Physical oceanography, Biological oceanography, Chemical oceanography


environmental data, coastal ecosystem, high frequency monitoring, long-term trends, instrumented buoy, COAST-HF, Arcachon Lagoon


44.66N, 44.6S, -1.18E, -1.25W


February 2018 -> July 2020 : NKE SMATCH-TD, temperature, conductivity, depth , fluorescence (Turner designs - CYCLOPS-7), turbidity

November 2020 -> december 2023 : NKE SMATCH-TD, temperature, conductivity, depth , fluorescence (Turner designs - CYCLOPS-7), turbidity


COAST-HF Arcachon-Ferret (EXIN0001) time series 2018-2023
21 MoCSVRaw data
How to cite
Savoye Nicolas, Delalee Franck, Lequeux Joséphine (2024). COAST-HF/Arcachon-Ferret time series (French Research Infrastructure ILICO) : long-term high-frequency monitoring of the Arcachon Lagoon hydrology. SEANOE.

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