3D textured Digital Outcrop Models along the Amorgos Fault scarp (Aegean Sea, Greece) - Dive 244-01 - AMORGOS-23 cruise

The AMORGOS-23 cruise (https://doi.org/10.17600/18003211) was conducted onboard R/V Europe from April 26th 2023 to May 9th 2023. Using HROV Ariane equipped with 4K cameras, we surveyed the main active faults between Amorgos and Anafi islands in order to identify and quantify recent deformation of the seafloor linked to the 1956 Amorgos earthquake. During dive 244-1, we surveyed the steepest scarp of the Amorgos fault, along its central segment. We provide here seven scaled Digital Outcrop Models (in .obj format) calculated from the HROV videos with MATISSE 3D software. There location (model origin) is also provided in a table, together with information about the portions of the videos used to produce the models. Due to incomplete navigation data, the models are not properly oriented.


AMORGOS-23, Digital Outcrop Model, 3D models, HROV Ariane, Greece, Amorgos, Rupture, Fault


36.9N, 36.7S, 26E, 25.8W


HROV Ariane's 4K principal camera


Digital Outcrop Models metadata, including start and end time of the videos used, and model origins (location)
DOM D1_1116 (in .obj format - to unzip)
343 MozipProcessed data
DOM D1_1131 (in .obj format - to unzip)
88 MozipProcessed data
DOM D1_1225 (in .obj format - to unzip)
261 MozipProcessed data
DOM D1_1234 (in .obj format - to unzip)
346 MozipProcessed data
DOM D1_1241 (in .obj format - to unzip)
310 MozipProcessed data
DOM D1_1246 (in .obj format - to unzip)
389 MozipProcessed data
DOM D1_1253 (in .obj format - to unzip)
312 MoTIFProcessed data
How to cite
Leclerc Frédérique, Palagonia Sylvain, Nomikou Paraskevi, Feuillet Nathalie, Escartin Javier (2023). 3D textured Digital Outcrop Models along the Amorgos Fault scarp (Aegean Sea, Greece) - Dive 244-01 - AMORGOS-23 cruise. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/99228

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