Data for learning-based prediction of the particles catchment area of deep ocean sediment traps

In this study, we conducted a series of numerical Lagrangian experiments in the Porcupine Abyssal Plain region of the North Atlantic and developed a machine learning approach to predict the surface origin of particles trapped in a deep sediment trap. The data contain :

- I. Probability density function of the particles position from the Lagrangian experiments.

-II. The dynamic variables (temperature, vorticity, u, v, sea surface height) associated with each Lagrangian experiments and used for the training/ testing.

-III. The saved parameters and logs of the machine learning models.

-IV. Some processed data such as kinetic energy and okubo-weiss parameter used for analysis.


Physical oceanography, Biological oceanography


Biological carbon pump, Sediment trap, Machine learning, Lagrangian particles, Porcupine Abyssal Plain


52N, 45S, -24.5E, -8.5W


Numerical ocean simulation : CROCO

Lagrangian experiment : Pyticles

Machine-learning : Pytorch


48 GoNetCDFQuality controlled data
How to cite
Picard Théo, Gula Jonathan, Fablet Ronan, Memery Laurent, Collin Jéremy (2023). Data for learning-based prediction of the particles catchment area of deep ocean sediment traps. SEANOE.
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Picard Théo, Gula Jonathan, Fablet Ronan, Collin Jeremy, Mémery Laurent (2023). Learning-based prediction of the particles catchment area of deep ocean sediment traps.

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