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Incubation conditions data for embryonic Pacific herring experiment
These data were collected at Shannon Point Marine Center in Washington, U.S.A. in March and May, 2021. Embryos were reared at either 10 (ambient), 12, 14, or 16C in March and at either 10 or 16C in spring. Both March and May experiments used two target pCO2 treatments of either ~500 uatm (ambient) or ~2000 uatm (heightened). These data assessed the experimental treatment conditions throughout the March and May experiments.
Fisheries and aquaculture
Pacific herring, ocean acidification, temperature rise, incubation conditions
48.996962N, 47.67621S, -121.842448E, -123.823339W
sample_date: date of assessment
tank: tank (1-4) of assessment
header_tank: header tank (1-6) with pCO2 water
replicate_id: replicate cup
temp: target temperature
CO2: target CO2
Measured_pH: in situ pH measurement
measured_temp: in situ temperature measurement
spec_pH: post-experiment pHT measurement using spectrophotometry
pCO2: post-experiment pCO2 measurement
Total_Alkalinity: post-experiment alkalinity measurement
measured_DIC: post-experiment DIC measurement
bicarbonate: post-experiment bicarbonate measurement