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SOMLIT-Luc-sur-Mer time series (French Research Infrastructure ILICO): long-term core parameter monitoring in the Bay of Seine (English Channel)
The sites monitored by the Luc-sur-Mer marine station are located in the Channel, in the central part of the Bay of Seine (total surface area 4,000km2) to the north of Luc-sur-Mer. The Baie de Seine is a macrotidal system (maximum tidal range 7 m), largely influenced by river inflows from the Seine (mean annual flow = 442 m3 s-1) and, to a lesser extent, the Orne (30 m3 s-1). The Seine watershed, with a surface area of 76260 km2, is characterized by high population density and agricultural activity, which exert significant anthropogenic pressures that impact the estuary and Seine Bay. High levels of nutrient salts, particularly N and P, have been measured in the waters of the Seine (Morelle, 2020, Serre-Fredj et al 2021, Serre-Fredj et al 2023). SOMLIT is monitored by the Centre de Recherche en Environnement Côtier (CREC) - marine station of the Université de Caen Normandie, located in Luc-sur-Mer. Two sampling sites are monitored every 15 days, at open sea, during spring tides with coefficients of 90 ±10. Two boats are used for sampling: the Tiamat (7m) moored in the port of Courseulles-sur-Mer and a 6m semi-rigid, the Nausicaa III. CREC-Station Marine became part of the SOMLIT network in 2007, with its original site at the Wharf. Since April 2013, a second monitoring site was added further offshore, called SMILE in reference to the instrumented buoy located there. Sampling is carried out at a depth of 2 m at both sites.
Environment, Physical oceanography, Biological oceanography, Chemical oceanography
Medium and long term observation, phytoplakton, Costal ecosystems, Evolution of the environment, nutrients, Marine ecosystems, Constraints induced by human activities, Natural constraints of the environment, English Channel, Eutrophication in the bay of Seine, sea temperature
51.30459N, 48.131882S, 2.162981E, -5.4943W
Quality codes are applied to each data, example qT for T (Temperature). They provide qualitative indications of the data acquired or if the time-series is missing data. The code assigned to each data takes into account sampling, sample storage, sample preparation for analysis, and analysis, as well as the scientific credibility of the data. Code are as follows:
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File | Size | Format | Processing | Access | |
Site Luc-sur-Mer. Hydro parameters data since 2007 | 78 Ko | CSV | Quality controlled data | ||
Site SMILE. Hydro parameters data since 2013 | 43 Ko | CSV | Quality controlled data | ||
Site Luc-sur-Mer. Pico nano data since 2010 | 88 Ko | CSV | Quality controlled data | ||
Site SMILE. Pico nano data since 2015 | 48 Ko | CSV | Quality controlled data | ||
Site Luc-sur-Mer. CTD data since 2015 | 297 Ko | CSV | Quality controlled data | ||
Site SMILE. CTD data since 2019 | 464 Ko | CSV | Quality controlled data |