GEOCEAN-NC 2019 - Measuring sea level in Noumea Lagoon for Cal/Val studies

As part of the FOAM project, the GEOCEAN NC 2019 campaign was focused on the sea level question, with geodetic measurements using both bottom pressure sensors (deployment of 5 tide gauge) and GPS systems (deployment of various floating platforms). The data collected has several objectives:
1. Quantifying the setup and its variations in the Lagoon over a profile ranging from the coral reef to the Noumea tide gauge.
2. Acquiring in situ sea level data under altimetry satellite tracks for the purposes of satellite calibration/validation studies.
3. Acquiring and improving the GPS data processing procedure for sea level mapping.

This campaign took place between 3 and 15 October 2019, on board the R/V ALIS in the Noumea lagoon, with the support and assistance of the IRD, Shom, DITTT and the US IMAGO team from the IRD in Noumea.


Physical oceanography


sea level, altimetry, pressure, GNSS, buoy


-21.712753N, -23.417074S, 167.797544E, 165.362973W


Data from pressure gauges and GNSS buoy deployed during the GEOCEAN NC 2019 campaign
138 MoTEXTQuality controlled data
How to cite
Chupin Clémence, Ballu Valérie, Aucan Jerome, Poirier Etienne, Testut Laurent, Tranchant Yann-Treden (2019). GEOCEAN-NC 2019 - Measuring sea level in Noumea Lagoon for Cal/Val studies. SEANOE.

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