BenthOBS dataset - French National Observation Service for benthic macrofauna in coastal waters

The BenthOBS dataset includes long-term time series on marine benthic macrofauna, since 1967, along the whole French metropolitan coast. It includes 20 sampling location.
BenthOBS aims to establish a national network for the observation of macrozoobenthos. In a context of global change, It is essential to have time series capable of highlighting and understanding ongoing changes in the specific diversity within communities and their consequences on the functioning of marine ecosystems.
The BenthOBS network provides the scientific community and stackers with validated data on the following parameters: specific abundance, sediment size composition, sediment organic matter, sediment C content, sediment N content.


Biological oceanography


51.05N, 42.3S, 3.8E, -4.7W


Granulometry data for all BenthOBS SNO Stations - Release 2024_01
545 KoCSVQuality controlled data
Macrofauna data for all BenthOBS SNO Stations - Release 2024_01
15 MoCSVQuality controlled data
Organic matter data for all BenthOBS SNO Stations - Release 2024_01
79 KoCSVQuality controlled data
How to cite
BenthOBS (2024). BenthOBS dataset - French National Observation Service for benthic macrofauna in coastal waters. SEANOE.

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