Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Field data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2011

High temperature hydrothermal fluids are collected during the MOMARSAT 2011 by gas-tight fluid sampler manipulated and triggered by the hydraulic arm of the submarine vehicle (ROV Victor6000). Several hydrothermal vents are sampled, namely : Aisics, Montsegur, Isabel, Sintra, Y3, White Castle, South Crystal, Tour Eiffel, Cypress, Cimendeff, Crystal.

Several chemical analyses are performed aboard the research vessel: such as salinity and d20/20 by refractometer, pH by electrode (pH standard 4.01 and 7).

Regional Node: EMSO-Azores

Vent field : Lucky Strike

Latitude : 37º17’N

Longitude : 32º16’W

1600 – 1750 m depth


Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EMSO-Açores, hydrothermal fluids, Lucky Strike, geochemistry, MOMARSAT 2011


37.283333N, 37.283333S, -32.266667E, -32.266667W


6 KoCSVQuality controlled data
How to cite
Chavagnac Valérie, Castillo Alain, Boulart Cédric (2023). Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Field data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2011. SEANOE.

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