Current profiles at Camarinal Sill (Strait of Gibraltar) | Jun-Sep 2013

3D current profiles collected at the Camarinal Sill (Strait of Gibraltar), by the Physical Oceanography Group of the University of Málaga (Spain). The current profiler is a Nortek Continental (190 kHz) embedded in a subsurface buoy, deployed 11m above the bottom, in uplooking configuration. The ADCP has been configured with 6m bins thickness and 4min sampling interval. Dataset contains information on the two horizontal and the vertical components of current speed, and the attitude and pressure sensors.


Physical oceanography


Strait of Gibraltar, Camarinal Sill, Current profiler, ADCP


35.959085N, 35.880281S, -5.708788E, -5.792755W


Nortek Continental ADCP 190 kHz


Camarinal Sill - North
12 MoMatlabQuality controlled data
Camarinal Sill - South
13 MoMatlabQuality controlled data
How to cite
García-Lafuente Jesús, Sammartino Simone (2023). Current profiles at Camarinal Sill (Strait of Gibraltar) | Jun-Sep 2013. SEANOE.

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