Fish length- and fishing ground depth-driven variation of diet drives Anisakis levels in a zooplankton-feeding fish

This dataset gathers trophic and parasitic information on European jack mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) collected in the English Channel during the CAMANOC survey in 2014.
Each individual fish is described by size, trophic status (δ13C, δ15N, C/N and calculate trophic level), dietary items from stomach content, and levels of infestation by the parasite nematode Anisakis in 6 tissues (abdominal cavity, liver, gonads, stomach, left and right muscle).


Biological oceanography, Fisheries and aquaculture


parasites, Anisakis, Mackerel, isotopes, diet, fish


51N, 48S, 1E, -5W


Biometry, stable isotopes and parasites data - variable description
Biometry, stable isotopes and parasites data
15 KoCSVQuality controlled data
Stomach content data - variables description
662 octetsCSV
Stomach content data
41 KoCSVQuality controlled data
How to cite
Cresson Pierre, Bourgau Odile, Cordier Remy, Cure Clemence, Denamiel Margaux, Rouquette Manuel, Gay Mélanie (2022). Fish length- and fishing ground depth-driven variation of diet drives Anisakis levels in a zooplankton-feeding fish. SEANOE.

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