Arc-en-Sub: Seafloor pressure and temperature record at Rainbow Massif (AES_P01), 6-26 May 2022

Pressure and temperature records from the proximity of the Rainbow hydrothermal site.  The record spans from 8th to 26th May 2022. Data were acquired with an RBR Duet pressure sensor lent by PNIO. The pressure sensors was deployed on a broad band OBS (BBOBS) from the INSU national OBS parc at IPGP.

Datafiles includes the full raw data file, and a file with only the record at the seafloor, after removing the ascent and the descent of the instrument, attached to the BBOBS)

The seafloor position of the OBSs is: 36.23544°N, 36.91036°W, 2505 m waterdepth (~2538 m average depth recorded in this record).


Environment, Marine geology, Physical oceanography


Pressure, Temperature, Seafloor, Hydrothermal field


36.236N, 36.234S, -33.899E, -33.911W


RBR Duet Pressure sensor, provided by PNIO. TLOG401 with serial number 95711.


RBR Duet pressure and temperature record AES_P01 (Arc-en-sub cruise), May 2022. The file includes the time stamp (UTC), pressure, seafloor pressure (atmospheric pressure removed), depth, temperature
229 MoASCQuality controlled data
RBR Duet pressure and temperature record AES_P01 (Arc-en-sub cruise), 05/22 w/ time stamp (UTC), pressure, seafloor pressure (atmospheric pressure removed), depth, temperature. Ascent/descent removed
212 MoASCQuality controlled data
How to cite
Demont Antoine, Chanard Kristel, Olive Jean-Arthur, Marjanovic Milena, Andreani Muriel, Escartín Javier (2022). Arc-en-Sub: Seafloor pressure and temperature record at Rainbow Massif (AES_P01), 6-26 May 2022. SEANOE.

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