LabMare Coastal station : A shallow water cabled observatory in the Eastern Ligurian Sea

In 2019, the Ligurian DLTM Consortium (CNR, DLTM, ENEA, IIM, INGV) has installed a coastal cabled, real-time, monitoring station, at around 10 m depth in the Eastern Ligurian Sea (44°4’54.96”N 09°52’50.12”E in S. Teresa Bay, La Spezia). The coastal station monitors temperature, pressure, water conductivity and derived salinity at 10 m depth with very high frequency (10 minutes interval). The observatory has as main purpose the study of coastal ecosystems, hydrodynamic processes and, in the long term, the effects of climate change. It is also a test site for new instruments and sensors. Due to maintenance activities some records are missing. The two-year dataset proposed here will be upgraded annually.


Environment, Physical oceanography


Ligurian Sea, La Spezia, Italy, Temperature, Salinity, LabMare, Real-time, cabled observatory


44.081933N, 44.081933S, 9.880589E, 9.880589W


Data are obtained by using a cabled SeaBird SBE37SM CTD probe for real-time data monitoring. The probe drift is regularly verified and calibrated by conducting vertical profiles using a SeaBird SBE19plus calibrated probe.


13 MoODVQuality controlled data
10 MoCSVQuality controlled data
How to cite
Bordone Andrea, Ciuffardi Tiziana, Delbono Ivana, Pannacciulli Federica, Raiteri Giancarlo, Locritani Marina, Muccini Filippo, Cocchi Luca, Demarte Maurizio, Ivaldi Roberta, Berta Maristella, Borghini Mireno, Vetrano Anna, Caprino Giovanni, Marini Davide, Schierano Erika (2022). LabMare Coastal station : A shallow water cabled observatory in the Eastern Ligurian Sea. SEANOE.

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