In-situ measurement of wave impact pressure on the wall of a detached composite breakwater

Wave impact is the primary cause of coastal structure failure. While wave impact is widely studied in controlled environments, in situ measurements of wave impact pressure are rare. The results of a campaign to measure wave impact pressure in situ are summarised here. Data were collected from 2016 to 2019 from anchored pressure gauges on the wall of the Artha breakwater in southwestern France. The acquisition frequency is 10 kHz and 10-minute bursts are recorded every hour. Two databases are published, one by burst and one by impact. The burst database summarises the main parameters describing the 10-minute record, while the impact database contains a list of parameters describing each impact.


Physical oceanography


wave, impact, in-situ, measurement, pressure


43.407997N, 43.392032S, -1.664883E, -1.681362W


Piezo-resistive sensors PAA25 (Keller©) with a natural frequency of 1 kHz

measurement range 0-5 bar


Database by burst
3 MoXLS, XLSXProcessed data
Database by impact
21 MoXLS, XLSXProcessed data
readme file of the database
How to cite
Abadie Stéphane, Larroque Benoit, Poncet Pierre-Antoine, D'Amico Dorian (2022). In-situ measurement of wave impact pressure on the wall of a detached composite breakwater. SEANOE.

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