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Pomo Pits Pressure / Temperature / Salinity / Oxygen profiles Spring dataset 2012-2021
The Central Adriatic Sea is characterized by three depressions collectively known as Pomo (or Jabuka in Croatian) Pits, with a maximum depth of about 270 m (Marini et al 2016) and bottom mainly composed of fine muddy sediment (Trincardi et al. 2014). The Middle Adriatic Deep Water (MAdDW) dwelling within the Pomo Pits is renewed at intervals of one to three years or occasionally longer, as a result of the formation of the Northern Adriatic Dense Water (NAdDW) (Vilibić 2003; Marini et al 2016).
A spring survey, aimed at assessing the N. norvegicus population inhabiting the Pomo Pits (Central Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean basin) by means of a towed underwater camera (UWTV), is carried out since 2009 by the Ancona section of CNR-IRBIM (formerly part of CNR-Institute of Marine Science; Italy) on board R/V Dallaporta (Martinelli et al. 2013); these cruises were conducted until 2019 (except for 2011 and 2018) jointly with IOF of Split (Croatia) and under the auspices of the FAO – AdriaMed regional project (Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea (ICES 2021). Currently the UWTV methodology relies on the use of a sledge, towed by an armoured cable, on which a camera system is installed (Dobby et al. 2021). In 2012, some CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) casts were carried out in the area during the survey. In 2013, thanks to the Italian National Flagship Program RITMARE, the UWTV equipment owned by CNR-IRBIM was completely renewed in order to allow obtaining better quality images, together with environmental parameters and greater safety on board and ease of operation (ICES 2014).
A calibrated SBE 19plus V2 probe (SeaBird Electronics,USA) was therefore embedded in the UWTV system in order to obtain CTD profiles all along the sledge operations: deployment at seas, sledge dragged on the seabed and hauling (Martinelli et al. 2016). The multi-parameter probe was also equipped with a SBE 43 dissolved oxygen (concentration and saturation) sensor. A SBE 5T pump ensures a constant flow over time inside the sensors.
The dataset here presented contains also classic CTD casts carried out in the area in spring 2021.
In total this spring dataset consists of 250 CTD and oxygen averaged profiles (0.5 db pressure interval) collected in springtime (from 2012 to 2021) within the Pomo Pits and in the surrounding area by means of multi parametric probes embedded on an UWTV system.
All the profiles were subjected to quality control. Data are flagged according the L20 (SEADATANET MEASURAND QUALIFIER FLAGS).
Fisheries and aquaculture, Physical oceanography
Oceanography, Temperature profiles, Salinity profiles, Oxygen profiles, Spring time, Pomo Pits, Adriatic Sea
44N, 42S, 13E, 17W
Temperature (°C) | Conductivity (S/m) | Pressure | |
Measurement Range | -5 to +35 | 0 to 9 | 0 to full scale range: 600 meters |
Initial Accuracy | ± 0.005 | ± 0.0005 | ± 0.1% of full scale range |
Resolution | 0.0001 | 0.00005 | 0.002% of full scale range |
Measurement Range |
120% of surface saturation |
Initial Accuracy | ± 2% of saturation |
Response Time Tau | 2 to 5 sec for 0.5-mil membrane |
Sampling Speed 4 Hz (4 samples/sec)