Argentine continental shelf currents 2015-2017 from upward-looking ADCPs

Zonal and meridional velocities each 4 m in the vertical from upward-looking ADCPs with a 30 minutes temporal resolution measured in two locations of the Argentine continental shelf along 44.7°S from 2015 to 2017 (several papers under review)


Physical oceanography


Patagonian Shelf, Southwester Atlantic Ocean, time series, in situ, ADCP, velocity, ocean currents, circulation


-42N, -48S, -58E, -68W


Bottom-mounted RDI 300kHz Acoustic Dopper Current Profiler. Data every 4 meters in the vertical with a 30 minute temporal resolution.


ADCP mooring data 2016 above the 93 m isobath in the Argentine Continental Shelf
2 MoNetCDFProcessed data
ADCP mooring data 2015 - 2017 above the 110 m isobath in the Argentine Continental Shelf
8 MoNetCDFProcessed data
How to cite
Saraceno Martin, Provost Christine, Piola Alberto, Guerrero Raul, Ferrari Ramiro, Paniagua Guillermina, Lago Loreley, Artana Camila (2021). Argentine continental shelf currents 2015-2017 from upward-looking ADCPs. SEANOE.

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