Historical sea-level measurements at Bakar (east Adriatic)
The dataset includes hourly averages of sea level measured at the tide-gauge station Bakar in the northern Adriatic Sea (Croatia). Sea levels are expressed in centimetres relative to the mean sea level (calculated over 18.6 year period centered around 1971.5). Data range from December 1929 to December 2017. Time is in UTC+1. The whole data series is recorded by a float-type chart-recording instrument and digitized from charts.
Physical oceanography
45.3N, 45.3S, 14.533333E, 14.533333W
Mechanical float-type chart-recording instrument in stilling well (OTT), accuracy: 1 cm
Međugorac Iva, Pasarić Miroslava, Orlić Mirko (2024). Historical sea-level measurements at Bakar (east Adriatic). SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/85171
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Međugorac Iva, Pasarić Miroslava, Orlić Mirko (2022). Long-term measurements at Bakar tide-gauge station (east Adriatic). Geofizika, 39 (1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.15233/gfz.2022.39.8
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