Marinet2 - Datasets from the "Round robin" testing program on a hinged raft wave energy converter

These datasets contain the measurements collected on the same model of wave energy converter across four facilities during the Marinet2 Round Robin Testing Program. The involved infrastructures are University College Cork, University of Plymouth, University of Edinburgh and Centrale Nantes. The datasets consist of :

  • the PTO characterisation tests (only for Centrale Nantes)
  • the decay tests
  • the regular and irregular wave calibration tests without model
  • the model tests in regular and irregular waves

The data is delivered in a compressed file which includes :

  • An excel file with the description of test conditions for each test, the channel lists and the list of exported variables for each test.  
  • A pdf file describing the model, moorings and wave gauges locations in the basin.
  • Sensors datasheets and calibration documents
  • A NetCDF file for each test containing :
    • Array variables corresponding to the measurement channels. These array variables are named with the measurement channel names and have a variable attribute corresponding to their physical unit. For wave gauges, additional variable attributes are set for X and Y location in the wave tank.
    • Global attributes to describe the wave conditions, the infrastructure references, the basin dimensions… They are listed in the excel file.




51.833807N, 51.833807S, -8.303291E, -8.303291W

47.249N, 47.249S, -1.549E, -1.549W

55.92301N, 55.923S, -3.179057E, -3.179057W

50.376237N, 50.376237S, -4.139654E, -4.139654W


Mooring sensors : DBBSM from Applied Measurements (included on the model)

Torquemeter : DRBK-100 from Messtechnik gmbh (included on the model)

Hinge position : Integrated High Resolution Encoder (27 bits), repeatability better than 1 arc second (included on the model)

Motions : Video Tracking from Qualisys  (provided by each facility)

Wave gauges : Resistive wave gauges  (provided by each facility)


ECN data files
356 MoNetCDFRaw data
How to cite
Ohana Jeremy, Davey Thomas, Sarmiento Javier, Thiebaut Florent, Haquin Sylvain, Weber Matthieu, Gueydon Sebastien, Judge Frances, Eoin Lyden, O'shea Michael, Gabl Roman, Jordan Laura-Beth, Hann Martyn, Wang Daming, Collins Keri, Conley Daniel, Greaves Deborah, Ingram David, Murphy Jimmy (2021). Marinet2 - Datasets from the "Round robin" testing program on a hinged raft wave energy converter. SEANOE.

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