A comprehensive compilation of the seismic stratigraphy markers along the Adriatic Sea

The Mediterranean Sea is a natural laboratory for addressing questions on the formation and evolution of continental margins and the relationship between surface and deep processes. The evaporites deposited during the Messinian Salinity Crisis strongly impact its sedimentary and geomorphology evolution. We present here a compilation of the main regional seismic stratigraphic markers throughout the Central and South Adriatic Sea (CAB and SAB). The following original (uninterpolated) interpretations are provided in xyz format (z in second twt): i) Top of the Mesozoic formation, ii) Base and Top of the Gessoso Solfifera along the CAB, iii) Base and Top of the MSC detrital formation along the SAB, iv) Top of the Upper Unit, v) Base and Top of the middle Pliocene unit, vi) Seafloor. The available reflection seismic dataset the data set is compiled of processed vintage seismic profiles from the Videpi database.


Marine geology


Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea, Seismic interpretation, Neogene, Mesozoic, Messinian, Messinian Salinity Crisis


46N, 40S, 12E, 20W


Seismic horizon -Seabed
24 MoTEXTQuality controlled data
Seismic horizon -Messinian - Top Gessoso Solfifera - Central Adriatic Basin
8 MoTEXTQuality controlled data
Seismic horizon -Messinian - Base Gessoso Solfifera - Central Adriatic Basin
9 MoTEXTQuality controlled data
Seismic horizon -Messinian - Top Upper Unit - Base Pliocene - South Adriatic Basin
9 MoTEXTQuality controlled data
Seismic horizon -Messinian - Top Detritic Unit - South Adriatic Basin
7 MoTEXTQuality controlled data
Seismic horizon -Messinian - Base of Detritic Unit -South Adriatic Basin
11 MoTEXTQuality controlled data
Seismic horizon -Top Mesozoic
21 MoTEXTQuality controlled data
How to cite
Pellen Romain, Aslanian Daniel, Rabineau Marina (2021). A comprehensive compilation of the seismic stratigraphy markers along the Adriatic Sea. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/84576
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Pellen, R., Aslanian, D., Rabineau, R., Suc, J.-P., Popescu, S.-M., Cavazza, W., Rubino, J.-L., (2022). Structural and Sedimentary Origin of the Gargano - Pelagosa Strait and Impact on Sedimentary Evolution during the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Earth Science Reviews.

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