Data for CKMR abundance estimation for thornback ray (Raja clavata) in the central Bay of Biscay

Input data, TMB (C++) and R code for close-kin mark recapture (CKMR) abundance estimation for two subpopulations of thornback ray (Raja clavata) in the central Bay of Biscay (offshore and Gironde estuary, see figure). Samples were taken between 2015 to 2020. Parent-offspring pairs were identified using SNP genotype information. Birth years of individuals were estimated using length information and growth curves by sex.


Fisheries and aquaculture


close-kin mark-recapture, abundance estimation, thornback ray


47.41N, 45S, -1E, -5W


TMB model code (version 2)
8 KoC++ code
R code for running model
2 KoR code
Description of data fields
Data for Gironde thornback ray
160 KoR data objectProcessed data
Data for offshore thornback ray
170 KoR data objectProcessed data
TMB model code (version 1)
8 KoC++ code
How to cite
Trenkel Verena, Charrier Gregory, Lorance Pascal (2021). Data for CKMR abundance estimation for thornback ray (Raja clavata) in the central Bay of Biscay. SEANOE.

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