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Hydrodynamic and salmon smolt telemetry at the Head of Old River, California
Juvenile Chinook salmon were tagged with acoustic transmitters and tracked by a hydrophone array at a tidal river junction. Processed location data is compiled into tracks after quality assurance, and merged with hydrodynamic data derived from a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The data collection includes processed tracks with colocated hydrodynamic velocity data, observed hydrodynamic velocity at select lateral transects, and modeled hydrodynamic velocity at matching transects.
Environment, Physical oceanography, Fisheries and aquaculture
Chinook salmon, telemetry, swimming behavior, California Delta, juvenile, salmon smolt
37.811986N, 37.802739S, -121.317277E, -121.331947W
Acoustic Telemetry
Smolts were surgically implanted with 0.216g JSATS acoustic transmitters, operating at a frequency of 416 kHz and a ping interval of 5 s. An array of 13 hydrophones (Teknologic, Inc, USA) collected time-of-arrival for pings.
Observed hydrodynamic velocity
Velocity data were collected by a Sontek M9 River Surveyor, using adaptive switching of the frequency and sensing mode.
Modeled hydrodynamic velocity
Velocities were predicted by a three-dimensional RANS hydrodynamic model based on the SUNTANS model of Fringer, 2006.