Autonomous temperature probes, data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2018-2019

This dataset contains temperature data acquired between August 2018 and July 2019 with an array of 35 autonomous temperature probes installed in smoker orifices, cracks or patches of diffuse hydrothermal venting. We used 6 types of probes (HTW, HTWN, HTNKE, LTW, LTNKE and LTiButton). Probes locations, acquisition parameters and clock drift values (UTC-timeprobe) are listed in the metadata file.


Physical oceanography


Mid-Atlantic Ridge, EMSO-Azores, Hydrothermal Vents, Lucky Strike, Eiffel Tower, Capelinhos, Cimendef, Crystal, Isabel, Montsegur, Sintra, South Crystal, White Castle, Y3, WHOI, NKE, iButton, Temperature, Time-series, MoMAR


37.30134N, 37.2888S, -32.275618E, -32.27982W



  • vent fluid temperature (°C)


  • Regional node: Emso-Azores
  • Site: Lucky Strike hydrothermal field
  • coordinates: see EMSOAzores_auton_T_probes_2018_2019.xlsx


Operating parameters

  • Temperatures are recorded at a frequency of: 1 meas. per 1 to 14 minutes.

Sensor metadata

  • High-temperature WHOI probes (HTW) contain of 2 J-type thermistors in their rod tip connected to 2 temperature data-loggers (named A & B), 2 data recordings are thus available for each probe. HTW probes record temperatures up to 415°C with an accuracy of ± 1.1°C, a resolution of 0.25°C at 375°C and a clock drift of about 1min per month.
  • New high-temperature WHOI probes (HTWN) contain 1 temperature data-logger and 1 attitude logger to measure absolute orientation (tilt) and acceleration. The thermocouple in their rod tip can be J or T-Type. We mostly use J-Type thermocouples. These record temperatures up to 450°C, with an accuracy of ± 0.6°C, a resolution of 0,03°C and a clock drift of about 1min/year.
  • High-temperature NKE probes (HTNKE) record temperatures up to 450°C, with an accuracy of ±0.5°C, a resolution of 0.1°C and a clock drift of about 1min/month.
  • Low-temperature WHOI probes (LTW) record temperatures up to 125°C, with an accuracy of ±0.22°C, a resolution of 0.025°C and a clock drift of about 1min per month.
  • Low-temperature NKE probes (LTNKE) record temperatures up to 100°C, with an accuracy of ±0.5°C, a resolution of 0.12°C at 60°C and a clock drift of about 1min/month.
  • Low-temperature iButton probes (LTiButton) record temperatures up to 85°C, with an accuracy of ±0.5°C, a resolution of ±0.5°C and a clock drift of about 1min/month.
  • LTGrad probes: 2 LTiButton probes separated by 5 cm and attached to a 25 cm-long PVC support.
  • LTchB probe: 6 LTiButton probes fixed to an 80 cm-long rope with a float at each end.

Sensor setup - Test and calibration

All probes are calibrated in time before deployment, probe time adjusted to UTC time. Temperature readings of WHOI probes are checked at IPGP after recovery and before deployment using an oven in the laboratory. NKE probes are sent back to factory every 3-4 years for battery change and calibration. Clock drift after recovery is not implemented in data but listed in the metadata file.

Sensor setup - Data management

  • Real time data transmission: No
  • Data storage in the Communication and storage unit (COSTOF2): No
  • Data storage in the instrument: Full


27 KoXLS, XLSXQuality controlled data
14 MoTEXTRaw data
How to cite
Cannat Mathilde, Wheeler Benjamin, Fontaine Fabrice, Chen Jie, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Legrand Julien (2021). Autonomous temperature probes, data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2018-2019. SEANOE.

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