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EM304 multibeam data - Blackmud canyon
This dataset presents EM304 multibeam echosounder acoustic data, collected over BlackMud Canyon on the continental shelf edge in Northern Bay of Biscay. Data files include bathymetry, seabottom backscatter, and water column acoustic data in echosounder kmall format, recorded onboard R/V Thalassa during EM304 Sea Acceptance Test on 08/09/2018 and 09/09/2018. Bathymetry ranges from 200m to 4200m depth. Kmall files can be displayed and processed using e.g. the GLOBE freeware provided by Ifremer at:
Marine geology
EM304, Blackmud Canyon, Bathymetry acoustic data, Bay of Biscay, Watercolumn acoustic data, multibeam
48N, 47.33S, -7.58E, -7.92W
EM304 is a Kongsberg multibeam echosounder, working around 30kHz acoustic frequency, designed to collect bathymetric data up to 8000m depth. It provides bathymetry data, together with seabottom acoustic backscatter level and water column acoustic images. Data are collected through 512 beams within +/- 70°, with 0.5°x1° vertical beam resolution (alongtrack x acrosstrack). High Density mode extracts from the 512 beams up to 800 soundings per swath.
An extract from the cruise logbook is joined to the data that details the acquisition conditions and echosounder configuration modes. Echosounder detailed parameters can be found within the kmall files.