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As part of the EUREC4A-OA project (H. Bellenger, S. Speich, LMD), which is the French oceanographic component of the larger EUREC4A field experiments, the OCARINA wave-following platform was deployed from the host Reseach Vessel R/V Atalante from Genavir. OCARINA holds instruments that measure atmospheric turbulence and other environmental variables. The collected data are used to estimate the turbulent fluxes of momentum and heat at the air-sea interface. Specifically, the instruments on OCARINA measure air pressure, air temperature, humidity, the three components of the wind vector, the upward and downward solar and infrared radiation fluxes, and basic sea wave characteristics, such as the most significant wave height. Three methods are used to calculate the turbulent fluxes, namely the Eddy-Covariance (EC) method, the Inertial-Dissipation (ID) method, and the bulk method.
Atmosphere, Physical oceanography
Air-Sea, Turbulence, Fluxes, Radiation, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, waves, wind speed
13.129271N, 6.828175S, -54.13142E, -59.82098W
• Gill R3‐50: Wind vector u, v, w (m/s) and speed of sound c (m/s) at 50 Hz, at a height of 1. 6 m
• Vaisala WXT‐520 Weather station: Air temperature T (°C), relative humidity RH (%), and atmospheric pressure Patm (hPa) at 1 Hz, at a height of 0.8 m.
• Campbell CNR4: Solar and infrared radiation fluxes, upward and downward: Fsol_dn, Fsol_up, Fir_dn, and Fir_up (W/m2 ), at 1 Hz, at a height of 0.8 m
• Xsens MTI‐G: Time, position, and motion: lon (°), lat (°), lin_acc_xyz (m/s2 ), ang_vel_xyz (rad/s), and Euler angles (phi, theta, psi) at 50 Hz, at a height of 0.1 m
• Seabird SBE‐37SI probe: Sea temperature and salinity: SST (°C) and SSS (psu) at 1 Hz, at a depth of 0.3 m