(2020). SNPs for thornback ray Raja clavata used for identifying sex-linked SNPs and carrying out sex assignment. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/74390
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We genotyped 1680 thornback ray Raja clavata sampled in the Bay of Biscay using a DNA chip described in Le Cam et al. (2019). After quality control 4604 SNPs were retained for identifying potential sex-linked SNPs using three methods: i) identification of excess of heterozygotes in one sex, ii) FST outlier analysis between the two sexes and iii) neuronal net modelling. Genotype coding: 0 homozygous for major allele, 1 heterozygous, 2 homozygous for minor allele.
Flanking DNA sequences of SNPs identified with methods i) and ii) are also provided.
Biological oceanography, Fisheries and aquaculture
Raja clavata, Single nucleotide polymorphism, Bay of Biscay
48.708403N, 40.457753S, 0.173522E, -7.915473W
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