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Moored and ship-based oceanographic data collected during Shallow-water Acoustic Variability EXperiment (SAVEX15)
A shallow-water acoustic variability experiment (SAVEX15) was conducted from 14th to 28th of May 2015 in the northeastern East China Sea focusing on a relatively small area (~10 by 10 km) ~100 km southwest of Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, where water depth is ~100 m. During the experiment, two vertical line arrays (VLAs) equipping hydrophones were deployed in the area where 25 temperature loggers (U12-015 HOBO) and 5 Star-Oddi temperature-depth-tilt sensors were attached to collect time-series of water temperature at nominal depths ranging from 22 to 80 m and 2 to 22 m, respectively, with a sampling time interval of 30 sec. Along with the moored sensors, Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD, 24-Hz Sea-Bird Electronics 911plus) and underway CTD (UCTD, 16-Hz Teledyne Oceanscience) were used to collect ship-based vertical profiles of water temperature and salinity data. Typical descending speeds of the CTD and UCTD were less than ~1 and ~4 m s-1, respectively, and the UCTD data were collected in three different modes – freefall, tow-yo, and static modes at ship speeds of 2–10 kt. The total number of vertical profiles collected using CTD and UCTD were 26 and 1026, respectively. The uploaded data files contain variables in NetCDF format that are obtained using the VLAs, CTD, and UCTD during the SAVEX15, processed, quality controlled, and quality assured.
Physical oceanography
VLA, CTD, UCTD, SAVEX15, East China Sea
34.210476N, 23.274777S, 132.282493E, 118.333741W