CHEMINI total dissolved iron concentrations from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2011-2012

This dataset contains real-time total dissolved iron concentrations ((Fe(II) + Fe(III); µmol/l) acquired from the EMSO-Azores seafloor observatory TEMPO from July 2011 to March 2012 (n=1780). Data are purchased by the CHEMINI Fe (CF0), a CHEmical MINIaturized analyser dedicated to in situ determination of iron concentrations (every 12 hours, without in situ calibration, Vuillemin et al., 2009). The instrument is deployed on TEMPO part of Seamon East environmental monitoring node. The sample inlet is located on a mussel bed at the base of the Eiffel Edifice at 1695m depth.


Chemical oceanography


Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Time series, in situ chemical analyser, Iron concentration, Time-series, MoMAR, Environmental monitoring node, Lucky Strike, Hydrothermal Vents, EMSO, Buoy, TEMPO


37.17N, 37.17S, -32.16E, -32.16W


CHEMINI Fe (CF0) is a CHEmical MINIaturized analyser based on flow injection analysis with colorimétric detection, dedicated to in situ determination of iron concentrations (Vuillemin et al., 2009).

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Data (CSV format)
874 KoCSVRaw data
Data (NetCDF format)
72 KoNetCDFRaw data
How to cite
Laes Agathe, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Cannat Mathilde (2019). CHEMINI total dissolved iron concentrations from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2011-2012. SEANOE.

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