JERICO-NEXT TNA: Aquatic and air passive sampler dataset from MONICOAST project

MONICOAST, developed in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Jerico-Next Transnational Access (TNA) Call, is a collaborative project between the University of Cagliari (UNICA, Italy) and AZTI (Spain), hosted by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR, Greece). In the framework of the project, SSP and LDPE water passive samplers and PUF air passive samplers were deployed, in 2018-2019, at two buoys (Heraklion Coastal Buoy, HCB; Saronikos Buoy, SB), located in the Mediterranean Sea (Greece), for the measurement of organic compounds.


Atmosphere, Chemical oceanography, Environment


Passive samplers, Organic compounds, Water, Air, Buoys, Greece


39.296827N, 34.230802S, 27.015381E, 20.181885W


Provided data correspond to polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and organochlorine pesticide (OCP) concentrations measured in air by PUF passive samplers and in water by SSP and LDPE passive samplers. Additionally, a document has been compiled to provide the photos of the deployment and retrieval of the passive samplers in the buoys. The samplers deployed in the second sampling campaign are still being processed and the dataset will be updated when data are available.The water passive sampling data are provided as freely dissolved concentrations, while those of PUFs are per sampler.


PAH, PCB and OCP concentrations measured in air by PUF passive samplers and in water by SSP and LDPE passive samplers
14 KoXLS, XLSXRaw data
Photos of deployment and retrieval of water and air passive samplers in HCB and SB buoys in Greece
1 MoPDFQuality controlled data
How to cite
Montero Natalia, Belzunce María Jesús, Schintu Marco, Marrucci Alessandro, Smedes Foppe, Sobotka Jaromir, Prokeš Roman, Vrana Branislav, Marras Barbara, Kalampokis Alkiviadis, Frangoulis Costas, Ntoumas Manolis, Petihakis George, Perivoliotis Leonidas, Pettas Manolis (2019). JERICO-NEXT TNA: Aquatic and air passive sampler dataset from MONICOAST project. SEANOE.

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