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Stable isotope ratios of hydrothermal fauna collected during the BICOSE cruise (2014)
During the 2014 BICOSE cruise of RV Pourquoi Pas ? (Cambon-Bonavita 2014,, biomass-dominant fauna was sampled in two deep-sea hydrothermal vent fields: Snake Pit and TAG (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Stable isotope ratios and elemental contents of carbon and nitrogen of 137 samples belonging to 21 taxa were measured. Samples were identified and frozen at -80°C on board, then brought back to the laboratory for processing. They were prepared for analysis at the LEP (Laboratoire Environnement Profond, Ifremer, Centre de Bretagne, France; Analytical measurements were performed at the LIENSs stable isotope facility (University of La Rochelle, France;
The dataset consists of two files: one containing the data itself, and one describing all used terms (measurements or metadata).
Biological oceanography
stable isotopes, hydrothermal vent, mid-atlantic ridge, tag, snake pit, deep sea, benthos, food webs, trophic interactions, ecology
26.13727N, 23.36787S, -45E, -44.8253W
Stable isotope ratios and elemental contents of C and N were measured by continuous flow - elemental analysis - isotope ratio mass spectrometry (CF-EA-IRMS) using a Flash EA 1112 elemental analyzer (Thermo Scientific, Milan, Italy) coupled to a Delta V Advantage mass spectrometer through a Conflo IV interface (Thermo Scientific, Bremen, Germany).