Benthic invertebrates abundance data from French coasts in ODV format

French benthic invertebrates composition and abundance taxa data are collected during monitoring surveys on the English Channel / Bay of Biscay coasts and Mediterranean coast (Quadrige program code : REBENT_FAU, RSL_FAU). Protocols are implemented in the Water Framework Directive. 

Data are transmitted in a Seadatanet format (CDI + ODV) to EMODnet Biology european database. 498 ODV files have been generated from period 01/01/2003 to 31/12/2021.


Biological oceanography


51.476138N, 41.205386S, 10.415039E, -6.37207W


Alternative access to data

2003-2021 data
2 MoODVQuality controlled data 96858
2003-2013 data
1 MoODVQuality controlled data
How to cite
DCE-Benthos Network, French Mediterranen Lagoon Monitoring Network (2022). Benthic invertebrates abundance data from French coasts in ODV format. SEANOE.

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