OCARINA (Ocean coupled to the atmosphere: instrumented research on an auxiliary ship)

Remote-controlled trimaran Ocarina (Océan couplé à l'atmosphère : recherche instrumentée sur navire annexe / Ocean coupled to the atmosphere: instrumented research on an auxiliary ship).

The OCARINA platform (Ocean Coupled to the Atmosphere, Research on the Interface on the Annex Ship) is a surface naval drone specifically developed to measure turbulent and radiative exchanges at the ocean/atmosphere interface.

Designed and produced at LATMOS in 2009, the initial version of OCARINA has evolved through campaigns and collaborations with DT-INSU, ENSTA-Paris, Ifremer, LOCEAN, and IRPHE.

The onboard instruments are an inertial unit, a GPS, a sonic anemometer, a probe for measuring rising and falling radiative flows in the infrared and in visible wavelengths, a submerged probe of the CT type, and a meteorological station.

The level 2 data provided are:

  • the location, speed, heading and route followed
  • the height and significant period of waves longer than two meters
  • the water temperature (SST) at a depth of 30 cm
  • surface salinity (SSS)
  • the meteorological variables (wind in modulus and direction, temperature, humidity and pressure) at one meter high.
  • solar and infrared fluxes up and down
  • turbulent bulk flows (u*, Hs and LE), and Monin-Obukhov's ratio (z/L)
  • u* and Hsv (the turbulent buoyancy flux) estimated by the inertio dissipative method
  • u* and Hsv estimated by covariance method


Atmosphere, Chemical oceanography, Physical oceanography


air_sea, fluxes, turbulence, wave_boundary_layer, wave_follower, ocean_surface, friction_velocity, heat_fluxes, surface_radiation_fluxes


48.640349N, 47.783818S, -3.51212E, -6.203759W

-5.558N, -23.069S, -68.195E, -85.706W

43.2N, 42.8S, 6.4E, 5.9W

28.62N, 24.14S, -32.77E, -37.25W


  • Seabird SBE37-SI, Xsens MTI-G, Gill R3-50, Vaisala WXT-520, Campbell CNR4
  • PT100, Naveol NAV01H, Sirf EM506 GPS, Campbell Irgason (EC100), Rotronic HC2S3, Vaisala PTB-110


Alternative access to data

Ocarina Data : netcdf files; hdf5 files
3 GoNetCDFProcessed data
How to cite
Bourras Denis, Cambra Rémi, Marie Louis, Bouin Marie Noëlle, Baggio Lucio, Branger Hubert, Beghoura houda, Reverdin Gilles, Dewitte boris, Paulmier Aurélien, Maes Christophe, Ardhuin Fabrice, Pairaud Ivane, Fraunié Philippe, Luneau Christopher, Hauser Danièle, CNRS (2019). OCARINA (Ocean coupled to the atmosphere: instrumented research on an auxiliary ship). SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/59768
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Bourras Denis, Cambra Remi, Marié Louis, Bouin Marie-Noëlle, Baggio Lucio, Branger Hubert, Beghoura Houda, Reverdin Gilles, Dewitte Boris, Paulmier Aurélien, Maes Christophe, Ardhuin Fabrice, Pairaud Ivane, Fraunié Philippe, Luneau Christopher, Hauser Danièle (2019). Air-Sea Turbulent Fluxes From a Wave-Following Platform During Six Experiments at Sea. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans. 124 (6). 4290-4321. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JC014803, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00503/61436/

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