Acoustic recordings from an ocean glider along the continental shelf break of the Pacific Northwest USA

This dataset contains passive acoustic data files recorded from a Slocum G2 ocean glider equipped with a hydrophone and data logging system. The hydrophone was mounted on the dorsal midsection of the vehicle. The acoustic glider recorded continuously at a sample rate of 10 kHz along a 458 km long north to south traverse of the outer continental shelf break of the Pacifc Northwest USA (approximate start and endpoints 46.5N, 125W to 42.75N, 125W). The dataset also includes an html file that describes the acoustic data file format (.DAT) and a matlab file containing the glider navigation information (latitude, longitude, depth, time).


Physical oceanography, Cross-discipline, Environment


ocean glider, acoustics, ambient noise


47N, 42S, -124.5E, -125.25W


Hydrophone was mounted on the dorsal midsection of a Slocum G2 ocean glider.

Hydrophone sensor: omni-directional model # HTI92WB   –175 dB re 1V/1μPa


Data format and header description for .DAT data files
Acoustic data
23 GoAUDIORaw data
glider navigation
8 MomatlabProcessed data
How to cite
Haxel Joseph, Matsumoto Haru, Meinig Chris, Dziak Robert, Scott Stalin (2019). Acoustic recordings from an ocean glider along the continental shelf break of the Pacific Northwest USA. SEANOE.

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