SRN dataset - Regional Observation and Monitoring Program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in the eastern English Channel
This SRN dataset includes long-term time series on marine phytoplankton and physico-chemical measures, since 1992, along the eastern English Channel coast. More precisely, samples were collected along transects offshore Dunkerque, Boulogne-sur-Mer and the bay of Somme. Data are complementary to REPHY and REPHYTOX datasets. Phytoplankton data essentially cover microscopic taxonomic identifications and counts, but also pigments measures (Chlorophyll-a and pheopigment). Physico-chemical measures include temperature, salinity, turbidity, suspended matters (organic, mineral), dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic nutrients (ammonium, nitrite+nitrate, phosphate, silicate).
Environment, Biological oceanography, Chemical oceanography
SRN - Regional Observation and Monitoring program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in the eastern English Channel (2024). SRN dataset - Regional Observation and Monitoring Program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in the eastern English Channel. SEANOE.
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Lefebvre Alain, Devreker David (2023). How to learn more about hydrological conditions and phytoplankton dynamics and diversity in the eastern English Channel and the Southern Bight of the North Sea: the Suivi Régional des Nutriments data set (1992–2021). Earth System Science Data. 15 (3). 1077-1092.,
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