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REMOULA temperature dataset survey 2000 - 2012. Blue mussel growth in the Pertuis Charentais sounds (Bay of Biscay)
Concomitantly to the monitoring network of the Blue mussel growth in the Pertuis Charentais sounds, (available soon from SEANOE) high frequency temperature measurements were carried out on a regular basis and on all REMOULA monitoring stations.
Temperature were recorded every 15’ on 7 experimental sites from 2010 to 2012. Two environemental conditions were tested, i.e. off shore and intertidal areas. The off-shore sites are located along the long lines mussel growout facilities (Filières Pertuis Breton, Saumonards Filières). Intertidally, temperature sensors were deployed on bouchot type mussel culture (wooden piles) (Roulières, Aiguillon, Marsilly, Boyard-bouchot, Yves). Due to the tidal cycle, the later are emersed on a regular basis – during this period of time, air temperature is recorded. The data set are presented in two ways: raw data (immersion-emersion values) and daily average (only immersed data). The daily average aims to represent the lasting period of mussel activity for further comparison with off shore conditions. For off-shore sites, daily averaged data are presented.
For intertidal areas (bouchot type), the average is based upon the two daily high tides. Daily data are recorded in betwwen 2 hours before and after the high tide peak. Figures are presented per campaign and per site.
Data temperature are recorded using Tidbit V2 logger (-39°C+75°C) and Sensor EN Optic STOWAWAY TEMP (-39+75°C) ONSET COMPUTER from 2000 to 2009 and NKE STPS30 probes (with and without chlorine system) and YSI 6600 from 2010 to 2012.
Data storage is organized using the Quadrige data bank system. Coastal monitoring information are saved in the Coastal monitoring Quadrige information system.
Physical oceanography
HF time-series, temperature, in-situ, mussel, Mytilus edulis, monitoring network
46.243842N, 46.243842S, -1.195027E, -1.195027W
45.999194N, 45.999194S, -1.253142E, -1.253142W
46.26086N, 46.26086S, -1.217862E, -1.217862W
46.058902N, 46.058902S, -1.16599E, -1.16599W
46.026908N, 46.026908S, -1.099562E, -1.099562W
46.335244N, 46.335244S, -1.38658E, -1.38658W
45.953185N, 45.953185S, -1.218234E, -1.218234W
46.265161N, 46.265161S, -1.333205E, -1.333205W