ODEMAR AUV Abyss (GEOMAR) + shipboard Pourquoi Pas? multibeam bathymetry - 13deg20'N and 13deg30'N Oceanic Core Complexes, Mid Atlantic Ridge

ODEMAR AUV Abyss (GEOMAR) + shipboard Pourquoi Pas? multibeam bathymetry - 13deg20minN Oceanic Core Complex, Mid Atlantic Ridge

Microbathymetry acquired with AUV REMOS 6000 with a SeaBat RESON 7125 multibeam system.

Bathymetry data gridded at 2 m (GMT grdfile) - one grid for 13deg20'N Oceanic Core Complex, and one grid for 13deg30'N Oceanic Core Complex

  • DM_OCC1320_AUV_SHI.grd: Title: ODM_OCC1320_AUV2.grd
  • ODM_OCC1320_AUV_SHI.grd: Command: grdmath ODM_OCC1320_AUV2.grd ODM_OCC1320_SHI2.grd AND = ODM_OCC1320_AUV_SHI.grd
  • ODM_OCC1320_AUV_SHI.grd: Remark: 
  • ODM_OCC1320_AUV_SHI.grd: Gridline node registration used [Cartesian grid]
  • ODM_OCC1320_AUV_SHI.grd: Grid file format: nf = GMT netCDF format (32-bit float), COARDS, CF-1.5
  • ODM_OCC1320_AUV_SHI.grd: x_min: -44.97115 x_max: -44.86795 x_inc: 1.7947826087e-05 name: x nx: 5751
  • ODM_OCC1320_AUV_SHI.grd: y_min: 13.27915 y_max: 13.34155 y_inc: 1.79361885599e-05 name: y ny: 3480
  • ODM_OCC1320_AUV_SHI.grd: z_min: -3924.5378418 z_max: -1905.49023438 name: z
  • ODM_OCC1320_AUV_SHI.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
  • ODM_OCC1320_AUV_SHI.grd: format: classic
  • ODM_OCC1330_AUV_SHI.grd: Command: grdmath ODM_OCC1330_AUV2.grd ODM_OCC1330_SHI2.grd AND = ODM_OCC1330_AUV_SHI.grd
  • ODM_OCC1330_AUV_SHI.grd: Remark: 
  • ODM_OCC1330_AUV_SHI.grd: Gridline node registration used [Cartesian grid]
  • ODM_OCC1330_AUV_SHI.grd: Grid file format: nf = GMT netCDF format (32-bit float), COARDS, CF-1.5
  • ODM_OCC1330_AUV_SHI.grd: x_min: -45.00965 x_max: -44.88125 x_inc: 1.79454926625e-05 name: x nx: 7156
  • ODM_OCC1330_AUV_SHI.grd: y_min: 13.48665 y_max: 13.52225 y_inc: 1.79254783484e-05 name: y ny: 1987
  • ODM_OCC1330_AUV_SHI.grd: z_min: -3244.60083008 z_max: -2087.49829102 name: z
  • ODM_OCC1330_AUV_SHI.grd: scale_factor: 1 add_offset: 0
  • ODM_OCC1330_AUV_SHI.grd: format: classic



Marine geology


Multi beam bathymetry, Mid Ocean Ridge, Oceanic Core Complex, Tectonics, Hydrothermal field, Detachment fault, Faulting, AUV, Marine geophysics, oceanic crust, oceanic lithosphere


13.5N, 13.33S, -44.9E, -45W


Microbathymetry acquired with AUV REMOS 6000 with a SeaBat RESON 7125 multibeam system.


13deg20'N OCC MAR - ODEMAR AUV microbathymertry gridded at 2m, combined with shipboard bathymetry, grdfile
76 MoGMT NETCDFProcessed data
13deg30'N OCC MAR - ODEMAR AUV microbathymertry gridded at 2m, combined with shipboard bathymetry, grdfile
54 MoGMT NETCDFProcessed data
How to cite
Escartín Javier, Petersen Sven (2017). ODEMAR AUV Abyss (GEOMAR) + shipboard Pourquoi Pas? multibeam bathymetry - 13deg20'N and 13deg30'N Oceanic Core Complexes, Mid Atlantic Ridge. SEANOE. https://doi.org/10.17882/48335
In addition to properly cite this dataset, it would be appreciated that the following work(s) be cited too, when using this dataset in a publication :
Escartin J., Mevel C., Petersen S., Bonnemains D., Cannat M., Andreani M., Augustin N., Bezos A., Chavagnac V., Choi Y., Godard M., Haaga K., Hamelin C., Ildefonse B., Jamieson J., John B., Leleu T., Macleod C. J., Massot-Campos M., Nomikou P., Olive J. A., Paquet M., Rommevaux C., Rothenbeck M., Steinfuhrer A., Tominaga M., Triebe L., Campos R., Gracias N., Garcia R. (2017). Tectonic structure, evolution, and the nature of oceanic core complexes and their detachment fault zones (13°20'N and 13°30'N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 18 (4). 1451-1482. https://doi.org/10.1002/2016GC006775, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00376/48702/

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