ANDRO: An Argo-based deep displacement dataset

A world deep displacement dataset comprising more than 1600 000 Argo floats deep displacements, has been produced from the global Argo float database (GDAC). ANDRO dataset was completed over the period 2000-2009, then was partially but yearly updated since 2010. ANDRO actual contents and format is described in the user guide, which must be carefully read before using ANDRO (ANDRO format is also described in Ollitrault M. et al (2013)).

One important feature of ANDRO is that the pressures measured during float drifts at depth, and suitably averaged are preserved in ANDRO (see Figure 2). To reach this goal, it was necessary to reprocess most of the Argo raw data, because of the many different decoding versions (roughly 100) not always applied by the DACs to the displacement data because they were mainly interested in the p,t,S profiles. The result of our work was the production of comprehensive files, named DEP (for déplacements in French), containing all the possibly retrievable float data.

For detailed information and status of the last released ANDRO product, please visit the dedicated Argo France web page:


Physical oceanography


90N, -90S, 180E, -180W


Data Release 2025
510 MoDATQuality controlled data 116520
Gridded velocity climatology from deep Andro velocities (Release 2025): 3°x3° binned statistics
17 MoNetCDFQuality controlled data 116519
Data Release 2024
483 MoDATQuality controlled data
How to cite
Ollitrault Michel, Rannou Philippe, Brion Emilie, Cabanes Cecile, Piron Anne, Reverdin Gilles, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas (2025). ANDRO: An Argo-based deep displacement dataset. SEANOE.

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