1566 result(s)

This table contains raw data supporting the findings from publication "Nascent water waves induced by the impulsive motion of a solid wall" by W. Sarlin, Z. Niu, A. Sauret, P. Gondret & C. Morize Each line corresponds to an experiment, with the different columns indicating respectively: o the regime attributed to the wave* o the total stroke of the piston L in meters o the maximum velocity U reached by the piston in meters per second o the init [...]

RedAnDA TS, UnivarS and UnivarT are the different versions of RedAnDA, applied respectively to temperature-salinity (coupled), salinity and temperature monthly reconstructions. The coupled approach uses bivariate 3D EOFs with density-weighting, while the univariate version use simple 3D EOFs. In RedAnDA, the system state is described by the reduced set of EOFs, as in reduced-space interpolation. Additionnaly, it uses an Ensemble Kalman Smoother s [...]

Mériguet Zoé, Bourdin Guillaume, Jalabert Laetitia, Caray--counil Louis, Maury Julietteexpand

This dataset consists of a quantitative imaging dataset of ZooScan-imaged mesoplankton and microplastics, collected with the Manta net (333 µm mesh size) aboard the schooner Tara during the Tara Pacific Expedition (2016-2018). Samples were collected at the surface across the Pacific Oceans from open-ocean stations (32 samples, open-ocean label: [i00_oa###]), with 28 samples located on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and from stations in coastal [...]

The piezometer is designed to measure in-situ pore pressure relative to the hydrostatic pressure and temperature. For this dataset, in-situ excess pore pressure and temperature measurements were made using cable-deployed piezometers equipped with a sediment piercing lance of 60 mm diameter carrying differential pore pressure (pore pressure in excess of hydrostatic pressure or fluid excess pore pressure) and temperature sensors, ballasted with lea [...]

The gravitational pump plays a significant role in the carbon cycle by exporting sinking organic carbon from the surface to the deep ocean. The deep sediment time-series traps provide unique observations of this sequestered carbon fluxes. However, the sinking particles trapped are sensitive to physical short-term spatial and temporal fluctuations, which present a challenge in establishing a connection with their surface origin. In this study, we [...]

MARLEY (Monitoring deep-seA coRaL EcosYstems) is a deep seafloor observing system dedicated to the monitoring of cold-water coral habitats. The system is deployed in the Lampaul canyon off Brittany, France since August 2021 and maintained each year during the ChEReef-Obs cruises. The study site is a coral garden dominated by Madrepora oculata, located on a sedimented platform at 780 m depth. MARLEY is equipped with a CTD SBE 37-SIP, an oxygen op [...]

Koutsodendris Andreas, Maran Joseph, Kotthof Ulrich, Lippold Jörg, Knipping Mariaexpand

To reconstruct the evolution of early anthropogenic impact in the Aegean Sea region, we determined changes in lead (Pb) contents and evaluated vegetation dynamics in environmental records from heterogeneous settings. Whereas Pb pollution first occurs in the northern borderlands of the Aegean Sea at c. 5,200 cal. years BP, it rises above natural background levels in marine sediments across the Aegean Sea synchronously at c. 2,150 cal. years BP. Th [...]

Metzl Nicolas, Fin Jonathan, Lo Monaco Claire, Mignon Claude, Alliouane Samirexpand

Since 2004, the Service facility SNAPO-CO2 (Service National d’Analyse des Paramètres Océaniques du CO2) housed by the LOCEAN laboratory (Paris, France) has been in charge for the analysis of Total Alkalinity (AT) and Total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT) of seawater samples on a series of cruises or ships of opportunity conducted in different regions in the frame of French and International projects. Following the first synthesis (Metzl et al, 2 [...]

Mériguet Zoé, Bourdin Guillaume, Jalabert Laetitia, Bun Olivier, Caray--counil Louisexpand

This dataset consists of a quantitative imaging dataset of ZooScan-imaged mesoplankton (> 200 µm), collected with high-speed net aboard the schooner Tara during the Tara Pacific Expedition (2016-2018). Samples were collected at the surface, generally on a daily frequency, across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans from open-ocean stations (151 samples; open-ocean label: [i00_oa###]) and from stations in coastal waters of 32 Pacific islands (54 sample [...]

On January 9, 2024, (http://doi.org/10.17882/42182#107470), in the Argo data stream, very few Chlorophyll-A (Chla) profiles are available in Delayed Mode (DM). For SOCA2024 (Sauzede et al., 2016) development, we have applied a specific post-processing that acts similarly to a DM adjustment to improve Chla accuracy, but unlike DM data, data produced are not fully scrutinized. This post-processing procedure aims to apply three main corrections: 1) [...]